If you have a fixed rate due to expire in the next 4 months, NOW is the time to start looking at your options.
In the last 12 months , youhave earned $95k as anindividual or $150kcombined or individual with dependents.
Lenders mortgage insurance fee of0.5% of the loan value. This can beadded to the loan.
Be an ordinarily resident inNZ: Hold current NZresidency, have lived herefor 12 months.
Under the First Home Loan,you have access to thebanks current special rates,the same as someone with20% deposit
Be a first home buyer or bein a similar financial positionto a first home buyer
Banks offer a small cashcontribution for FirstHome Loans to help paysome of the legal costsassociated with buying ahome
Limiting the fees associated with refinancing so you can obtain the best deal available